Additional CLE Resources

  • Starfire Video: How Do You Define Your Life. See how deep, lasting relationships can come from unlikely sources, and are best formed through shared passions and interests. (approx. 2 minutes)

  • St. John's Video: Out of the Workshop. This video captures the experiences of staff and people supported in the conversion from sheltered work to supported employment and CLE. (approx. 4 minutes)

  • Ensuring Excellence in Community-Based Day Supports: A Guide for Service Providers and Staff. This guide for service providers in MA offers ways to develop and operate services to ensure high quality services that result in CLE.

  • Community Life Engagement On The College Campus. This resource shares how college and university staff can use the four CLE guideposts to facilitate the development of natural campus connections and support for students with intellectual disability on college campuses.

  • Work Inc.: Developing a Community Liaison Program to Address Holistic Needs. This promising practice describes how leadership at Work Inc., a Boston-area provider, thought about the holistic approach to providing individual supports. Work Inc. designed its community liaisons program to have three components: volunteerism, recreation, and instruction. (ICI Service Provider Promising Practice)

  • State Agency Self-Assessment. This assessment is intended to help state IDD agencies assess the current strengths of its CLE policies and practices and to identify areas for improvement.

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