Guidepost 2: Promote Community Membership
Community Life Engagement supports should promote community membership and contribution. This requires:
Here are some additional resources to help providers apply Guidepost 2:
Guidepost 2: Promote Community Membership. This brief describes the second guidepost and how service providers implement it based on expert interviews and case studies. (ICI Engage Brief #5)
Promising Practice: Using Staff Networks to Build Community Connections at LOQW: This promising practice describes how Learning Opportunities/Quality Works staff use their own longstanding relationships in a small town to build connections for people they support. (ICI Service Provider Promising Practice)
Fostering Belonging: In this presentation, Dr. Erik Carter describes how faith communities can more actively welcome and support people with disabilities.
Putting Faith to Work: This paper shares how faith communities have the opportunity and capacity to transform the lives of many people with disabilities by helping people find meaningful jobs, assume valued roles, and share their gifts.
Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Institute: This center explores how to use local assets, such as “the skills of local residents, the power of local associations, and the supportive functions of local institutions” to build stronger communities.
Mapping Community Assets Workbook: This ABCD product is a hands-on workbook with questions and worksheets to guide individual and community asset mapping.
Inclusive Retirement: This one-hour video describes a Transition to Retirement intervention developed in Australia to support inclusive retirement options for older adults with IDD.
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